学历: 博士研究生 所属部门: 生物化学与分子生物学系
职称: 教授 招生专业:
联系电话: 0538-8245679 E-mail: xqguo@sports-quotes.com
郭兴启,博士,教授,博士生导师。im体育优秀教师,im体育教学名师,im体育优秀研究生指导教师,im体育农业大学本科教学督导组副组长,生物化学与分子生物学学科负责人,生物技术与工程省级实验教学示范中心主任,im体育蜂产业技术体系岗位专家,im体育生物化学与分子生物学会监事长。曾担任im体育副院长,生物技术国家级特色专业主任,生物化学与分子生物学国家级教学团队负责人,im体育生物化学与分子生物学会副理事长,国际学术期刊《Gene》和《Plant Gene》副主编,《im体育平台突破》常务编委等职务。曾获得im体育教学成果特等奖1项(第二位)、二等奖1项(首位)、三等奖1项(首位)。主编出版国家级规划教材2部(中国农业出版社)、教学研究专著1部(高等教育出版社)、科学研究专著1部(科学出版社)。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、im体育现代农业产业技术体系建设专项等多项科研课题。获得国家发明专利8项,以通讯作者在《New Phytologist》、《Plant Biotechnology Journal》、《Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences》等学术刊物上发表论文90余篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:《棉花GhMKK6平衡植株免疫反应和生长发育的分子机制》(No. 31971823),主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:《棉花激酶GhMKK6基因的功能分析及其级联信号途经的鉴定》(No. 31471424),主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:《棉花GhMPK7基因广谱抗病功能的分子机理研究》(No. 31171837),主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:《温度对RNA沉默的抑制及其分子机理研究》(No. 30370928),主持
5. 国家自然科学基金项目:《RNA介导抗性转基因植物的抗病机制及遗传规律》(No. 30571215),主持
6. im体育现代农业产业技术体系蜂产业创新团队建设专项(No. SDAIT-24-04),主持
7. 国家转基因植物研究重大专项:《im体育》子课题(No. 2009ZX08009-113B),主持
8. 农业部现代农业产业技术体系建设专项《im体育》子课题(No. NYCYTX-43),主持。
1. Lijun Wang, Dezheng Guo, Guangdong Zhao, Jiayu Wang, Shuxin Zhang, Chen Wang*, Xingqi Guo*. Group IIc WRKY transcription factors regulate cotton resistance to Fusarium oxysporum by promoting GhMKK2-mediated flavonoid biosynthesis. New Phytologist, 2022, 236(1): 249-265.
2. Dezheng Guo, Cuihong Hao, Junbin Hou, Guangdong Zhao, Wenlu Shan, Huijuan Guo, Chen Wang*, Xingqi Guo*. The protein phosphatase GhAP2C1 interacts together with GhMPK4 to synergistically regulate the immune response to Fusarium oxysporum in cotton. Int J Mol Sci., 2022, 23(4): 2014.
3. Guangdong Zhao, Dezheng Guo, Lijun Wang, Han Li, Chen Wang*, Xingqi Guo*. Functions of RPM1-interacting protein 4 in plant immunity. Planta, 2021, 253(1):11.
4. Jiayu Wang, Lijun Wang, Yan Yan, Shuxin Zhang, Han Li, Zheng Gao, Chen Wang*, Xingqi Guo*. GhWRKY21 regulates ABA-mediated drought tolerance by fine-tuning the expression of GhHAB in cotton. Plant Cell Rep., 2021, 40(11):2135-2150.
5. Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Hongbin Guo, Ying Wang, Xuepei Cui, Baohua Xu*, Xingqi Guo*. Functional and transcriptomic analyses of the NF-Y family provide insights into the defense mechanisms of honeybees under adverse circumstances. Cell Mol Life Sci., 2020, 77(23):4977-4995.
6. Chen Wang, Hongbin Guo, Xiaowen He, Shuxin Zhang, Jiayu Wang, Lijun Wang, Dezheng Guo, Xingqi Guo*. Scaffold protein GhMORG1 enhances the resistance of cotton to Fusarium oxysporum by facilitating the MKK6-MPK4 cascade. Plant Biotechnol J., 2020, 18(6):1421-1433.
7. Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Zhenguo Liu, Hongfang Wang, Baohua Xu*, Xingqi Guo*. The wisdom of honeybee defenses against environmental stresses. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 722.
8. Chen Wang, Xiaowen He, Yuzhen Li, Lijun Wang, Xulei Guo, Xingqi Guo*. The cotton MAPK kinase GhMPK20 negatively regulates resistance to Fusarium oxysporum by mediating the MKK4-MPK20-WRKY40 cascade. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2018, 19(7): 1624-1638.
9. Chen Wang, Xiaowen He, Xinxin Wang, Shuxin Zhang, Xingqi Guo*. ghr-miR5272a-mediated regulation of GhMKK6 gene transcription contributes to the immune response in cotton. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68(21-22): 5895-5906.
10. Chen Wang, Wenjing Lu, Xiaowen He, Fang Wang, Yuli Zhou, Xulei Guo, Xingqi Guo*. The cotton Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 3 functions in drought tolerance by regulating stomatal responses and root growth. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2016, 57(8): 1629-1642.
11. Haihong Jia, Lili Hao, Xulei Guo, Shuchang Liu, Yan Yan, Xingqi Guo*. A Raf-like MAPKKK Gene, GhRaf19, negatively regulates tolerance to drought and salt and positively regulates resistance to cold stress by modulating Reactive Oxygen Species in cotton. Plant Science, 2016, 252: 267-281.
12. Yan Yan, Haihong Jia, Fang Wang, Chen Wang, Shuchang Liu, Xingqi Guo*. Overexpression of GhWRKY27a reduces tolerance to drought stress and resistance to Rhizoctonia solani infection in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Frontiers in Physiology, 2015, 6: 265.
13. Xiaobo Chen, Ji Wang, Ming Zhu, Hailong An, Dongdong Liu, Lili Hao, Xingqi Guo*. A cotton Raf-like MAP3K gene, GhMAP3K40, mediates reduced tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress in Nicotiana benthamiana by negatively regulating growth and development. Plant Science, 2015, 240: 10-24.
14. Yuzhen Li, Liang Zhang, Wenjing Lu, Xiuling Wang, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo*. Overexpression of cotton GhMKK4 enhances disease susceptibility and affects abscisic acid, gibberellin and hydrogen peroxide signalling in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2014, 15(1): 94-108.
15. Pengbo Yao, Xiaobo Chen, Yan Yan, Feng Liu, Yuanying Zhang, Xingqi Guo*, Baohua Xu*. Glutaredoxin, glutaredoxin 2, thioredoxin 1 and thioredoxin peroxidase 3 play important roles in antioxidant defense in Apis cerana cerana. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2014, 68: 335-346.
16. Huiru Yan, Haihong Jia, Xiaobo Chen, Lili Hao, Hailong An, Xingqi Guo*. The cotton WRKY transcription factor GhWRKY17 functions in drought and salt stress in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana through ABA signaling and the modulation of reactive oxygen species production. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2014, 55(12): 2060-2076.
17. Liang Zhang, Yuzhen Li, Wenjing Lu, Fei Meng, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo*. Cotton GhMKK5 affects disease resistance, induces HR-like cell death, and reduces the tolerance to salt and drought stress in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(10): 3935-3952.
18. Liang Zhang, Dongmei Xi, Shanwei Li, Zheng Gao, Shuoli Zhao, Jing Shi, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo*. A cotton group C MAP kinase gene, GhMPK2, positively regulates salt and drought tolerance in tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology, 2011, 77: 17-31.